The project fits in operation - Develop and strengthen domestic tourism by supporting specific products and marketing activities - Priority Axis 5 - Sustainable development and promotion of tourism, Key Area of ​​Intervention 5.3. - Promoting tourism potential and creating the necessary infrastructure in order to increase Romania's attractiveness as a tourist destination in the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013.


This program aims to support the sustainable economic, social, sustainable and balanced territorial development of all Romanian regions, according to specific needs and resources, with a focus on supporting sustainable development of urban growth poles, improving the business environment and infrastructure base to make Romania's regions, particularly the least developed places for investment.

One way to achieve this major objective is to promote sustainable recovery and cultural heritage and natural resources with tourism potential and improve the quality of accommodation and leisure tourism infrastructure in order to increase the attractiveness of regions, the development of local economies and create new jobs employment.


The overall objective


Tourism development in Suceava County and increasing the visibility of the area as a tourist destination by highlighting heritage related wood civilization in the mountains of Suceava county.

The project contributes to the overall objective, the creation of a cultural tourism product, presented as an itinerant route map timber culture, mining, transport to forests of Bucovina and craftsmen workshops.


The specific objective


Creating and promoting cultural tourism product "wood road" by harnessing and promoting the civilization lemnuliui traditions and customs in Bukovina. This objective was achieved by:



  • producing and distributing a number of 27,200 tourism information and promotion materials printed;
  • creation and placement of 52 informative street;
  • production and distribution of two TV commercials and promotional video;
  • producing and distributing the 2000 CD / DVD presentation;
  • achieving 3 press releases and press conferences dedicated 3;
  • Creation of a web-site dedicated to the project and the tourism development project
  • Organizing a program Infotour tourist routes ranging potential;
  • Making a survey based on a questionnaire among travel agencies;
  • The festival "wood road"
  • Participation in a national tourism fair;


By reaching these objectives, the "wood road" contribute to recovery and sustainable promotion of cultural heritage and natural resources with tourism potential, to increase the attractiveness of Bukovina, the development of local economies and create jobs, impact on regional development as a whole.


The main project activities


1. Making promotional materials


a) A brochure that shows route of timber from seed to finished product, for a better understanding and promoting local, regional, national and international activities related to the importance of timber in Bucovina life. The booklet was printed in 20,000 copies a number of high quality both in terms of graphics and content of information contained herein.

The information contained in the booklet include:


  • Wood ages (from seed to tree)
  • Centuries of wood (the secular reservations)
  • Timber Trail (mining and traditional transport)
  • Architecture timber (wood)
  • Holiness wood (icons, religious sculpture)
  • Wood song (musical instruments)
  • Wood craft (wooden objects and tools)
  • The warmth of wood (heat source)
  • Wood People (trades and occupations)
  • Sights on wood road
  • Wood road map


b) printed materials and audio-video to promote tourism product:


  • 400 Wood Road maps festival
  • 500 personalized gift bags
  • 1000 Festival programs
  • 20 banners (4 entries in the county and in major cities and towns in the county)
  • 2 mashes (the scene and inside the festival)
  • 200 guests
  • 100 posters
  • 2000 folding presentation of tourism product
  • 2000 set views
  • 1000 badges
  • 2000 CD / DVD presentation.


c) Information and promotion panels - 30 pieces, placed at key points of interest included in the product timber road tour.


d) audio-video spots:


  • 20 seconds TV spot aired during a television with national coverage
  • 10 seconds video clip aired by a network of electronic billboards outdoor


2. Creating a website "The road of wood"


Web-site "wood road" a tool to promote wooden trail from seed to finished product in the mountains of Suceava county and the festival "wood road".

The site is available in Romanian, English, French, German, containing general information about tourism in the county of Suceava so that tourists seeking tourist information can extract all the details necessary to organize a stay in the area.


Web page "The road of wood" includes information about:

Itinerary map wood from the forest to the craftsmen workshops;


  • A list containing a brief description of artisans in the mountains of Suceava county dealing with wood;
  • General information on forest reserves in the project;
  • Information about the practice of rafting on the Yellow and the trail Bistrita Mocăniţă between Moldova and Argel;
  • festival program "wood road";
  • essential elements customs and traditions of the mountains of Suceava county.


3. Run Infotour "The road of wood"


Infotour "wood road" addressed a number of 25 Romanian travel agencies that their program will launch the Bucovina and incoming tourism program "wood road". This Infotour aims to familiarize tour operators offer tourists in the area, on the topic of traditions and customs on wood processing in Bukovina, by connecting the travel agencies with tourism providers, in order to finally tourism product called "Road wood "and known to become attractive tourist market. Finally, each representative of the participating travel agencies completed a questionnaire to assess the attractiveness of the tourism product presented.

Activitățile care au avut loc în cadrul Infotourului:


  • demonstration of rafting on the Bistrita Aurie (upstream Ciocăneşti); participants will attend a raft ride, as the mode of transport of wood;
  • demonstration of equestrian tourism on mountain paths; participants will be able to follow the old trails horseback from Bistrita Valley Moldavia Guzuls horses specially adapted for transport in the mountains;
  • demonstration of active tourism section on obcina OFF-ROAD Feredeului mountain forest roads; OFF-ROAD route will combine beauty and wilderness landscape with unusual and spectacular experience of this kind of tourism, the increasingly called Suceava;
  • demonstrations of the art of woodworking craftsmen in their workshops statement;
  • authentic folk art show in Bukovina;
  • visiting forest reserves and nurseries;
  • Visiting tourist sheepfold;
  • visit Wood Art Museum, Collection Spoons Ţugui, John Bunch ethnographic collection and other museums collections and specific;
  • visit the woodworking craft workshops;
  • participation in the festival "wood road";


4. Organisation of festival “The road of wood"


In order to achieve an effective promotion woodworking traditions and customs in Bukovina, organized an event with impact tourism in a framework for exhibitors and visitors, which allowed all activities within the festival "wood road", consisting of :

spatial planning in which the festival;


  • acquisition and location specific decor;
  • Spatial Planning for exhibitors traditional - wooden houses, as examples of traditional architecture, the art wood craftsmen were demonstrated;
  • setting a scene fitted required supporting performances;
  • drawee planning to organize rides Mocăniţa and other traditional vehicles (wagons, carriages, etc.);
  • Spatial Planning for a traditional agricultural exhibitions wood out of the forest and its processing;
  • spatial planning for the exhibition of horses used in logging Heavyweight forest; Extraction tools exhibition of the forest;
  • space planning necessary to develop specific competitions;
  • arranging a fun educational space for children.


The event dedicated to promoting heritage related wood civilization took place in Bucovina Campulung city during the two days (8-9 October), according to a schedule established and made public in various ways, included:


  • demonstrations of the art of woodworking craftsmen in special places;
  • pursuit of artistic performances;
  • conduct specific competitions;
  • conduct Heavyweight Horse exhibition for Extraction forest;
  • conduct exhibition of tools used in wood processing;
  • conduct Mocăniţa ride, rafts and other traditional vehicles.


5. Participation in national tourism fair


The purpose of this activity was to promote tourism fair project results in Bucharest Romania spring edition. To ensure participation was arranged properly to ensure promotion of quality tourism product "wood road" stand Framed Tourism Fair of Romania.


The steps involved in organizing the activities included:


  • 20 sqm booth rental
  • Stand Concept and implementation;
  • Ensuring project quality promotion and tourism product "wood road" by distributing brochures and promotional materials to booth visitors.


The fair tourism were contacted over 60 travel agents who received folder with all the information about the product "wood road" and proposed travel program.

The stand was visited by about 7,000 people.


From the project's impact on tourist areas covered highlights important elements of added value as a result of the project:



  • supporting sustainable development of tourism through event correlation and complementarity with other local initiatives in progress or proposed strategic time horizon such as projects in 2015 Rehabilitation of Suceava Fortress "Easter in Bucovina", "Christmas in Bukovina" "Pilgrim in Bucovina" - whose beneficiary is the County Council, "Preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of Bucovina" sustainable development through tourism in the Northern Carpathians - whose beneficiary is Campulung municipality;
  • joins the concepts that will underpin the brand "Tourism in Bucovina", the tourist product that promotes a modern, authentic, specific area, with a major character awareness and knowledge of the legacy of civilization wood;
  • promote quality tourism in the area and provides a high degree of environmental protection and nature conservation, optimizing economic benefits, by having the wood in all its phases and its role in space Bukovina;
  • is a model of good practice in terms of promoting cultural identity, traditions and customs in Bukovina wood civilization, stimulating circulation of rural tourism in the county of Suceava, who are preservers of those customs and habits;
  • promote the principles of equal opportunities, given the traditions and customs to promote woodworking mountain area of Bucovina specific ethnic groups inhabiting some of the areas as German, Romanian, Slovak, Guzuls, Ukrainians;
  • design meets cutting themes of sustainable development, protection and improvement of environmental quality, energy efficiency and promoting the information society;
  • socio-cultural production expected that: establish positive attitudes among tourists and host communities, increase self-esteem of hosts / tourists mitigate negative perceptions and prejudices, cultural information exchange, developing a sense of pride in their culture, develop respect and tolerance of other peoples' culture, increase awareness and protection of cultural heritage.

Inițiativă locală. Dezvolater regională

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Proiect selectat în cadrul Programului Operaţional Regional şi co-finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regională.


Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României.

Toate drepturile de autor aparţin U.A.T. Câmpulung Moldovenesc şi Consiliului Judeţean Suceava