In order to get the form of the raw material in the processing workshops, the wood undergoes a series of traditional and modern operations.


The traditional operations and tools used in this process are: the cutting of the tree with the saw (the saw mill), the removal of the branches with the axe, the handling with the cant hook and the taking to the road, to the forest rail way (narrow gauge) or to the water with the medium-sized traction horses.


In order to bring the logs to water, in the past people used cableways and grooves anointed with paraffin (balks), on which the wood slipped with a great speed, getting into the river bed of the running waters to be bound as rafts.


The logs were then transported by harnesses (carts) with animal traction on the forest roads, by the forest train (funicular railway) on the rail way or by raft on the water.

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Proiect selectat în cadrul Programului Operaţional Regional şi co-finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regională.


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Toate drepturile de autor aparţin U.A.T. Câmpulung Moldovenesc şi Consiliului Judeţean Suceava