The traditional folk architecture in Bucovina was based, for centuries, exclusively on wood. The whole household of the peasant in Bucovina was built in wood: the house, the stable for the cattle, the cages for the poultry and swine, the warehouses, the sheds, the enclosures, the wells, the hay deposits; sheepfolds, everything belonging to them and the sheep pans were all made of wood.
The sacred places, the churches, their furniture, the interiors and the bell towers were all made of wood.
The skills and ingenuity of the master carpenters is almost incredible. In Bucovina there are, even nowadays, houses in which one can't find a nail from the basement to the roof. Moreover, one can never unlock a wooden lock.
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Toate drepturile de autor aparţin U.A.T. Câmpulung Moldovenesc şi Consiliului Judeţean Suceava