In certain cases, the secular forests are declared natural forest reservations and are protected by law. The most important reservations of this kind in Bucovina are the secular woods of Slatioara and of the Giumalau mountain.


The reservation in Slatioara lies on a surface of over 1000 hectares, with trees which are up to 400 years old, among which the mostly spread ones are the spruce, the fir tree, the yew and the beech. Besides, in the reservation there are other 900 species of plants. It was founded in 1904.


The forest reservation called The Secular Woods of Giumalau lies on a surface of over 290 hectares, where the mostly spread tree is the pure spruce, aged over 130 years. Founded in 1941, this reservation is a part of the national network of the protected areas.

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Proiect selectat în cadrul Programului Operaţional Regional şi co-finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regională.


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Toate drepturile de autor aparţin U.A.T. Câmpulung Moldovenesc şi Consiliului Judeţean Suceava